Besides the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Registration it is
also necessary for you to acknowledge the following additional conditions
for domains below the Top Level Domain .xxx:
- With the registration of a .XXX domain you as registrant agree to the "Registry-Registrant Agreement" of ICM Registry, LLC
- The "Registry-Registrant Agreement" of ICM Registry, LLC is provided by ICM Registry, LLC as follows:
- Nameserver resolution - which is necessary to actively use a .XXX domain - requires a successful validation for the "Adult Sponsored Community"
provided by ICM Registry, LLC. The registrant is responsible for this successful validation.
- Validation of Membership of the "Adult Sponsored Community" is conducted automatically by ICM Registry, LLC, which may include contact of
registrant by email and/or SMS, using the contact data for domain ownership provided with the registration of the .xxx domain.